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See and Export Community User Stats with Details

12-06-2024 05:21 AM
Status: Open
MVP Esteemed Contributor

I see this kind of thing on my profile:


Maybe it's just the data nerd in me, but I want to see more. I know each of those datapoints has a timestamp associated with them.

Is there any way for a user to get their own data, with details like timestamps, and export it to a CSV or something? I'd love to be able to visualize my own "year in review" kind of thing, or plot it against prior years.


Thanks for the feature request, @jcarlson. As of right now there isn't a way for users to download a file of their own activity stats like you've described. I can understand why you'd want to be able to do that, though. We'll leave the idea open here for others to add their votes and comments on.


Ah, well. I know it's years too late to change anything, but I'm on a number of community forums that run Discourse, and it's really spoiled me with the features and functionality.