Remove notifications when you mark an answer as a solution

03-16-2023 09:57 AM
MVP Regular Contributor

Pretty much what it says on the tin.

I have email notifications turned on for accepted solutions. Unfortunately, I also get an email every time I mark something as a solution on my own post. I do not need an email to tell me that I just marked something as a solution.

It is very helpful to see when other posts have been resolved, but I don't need to know when mine have.

The emails are smart enough to know that I did it, so I feel like they should also know not to tell me I did it.





Those pesky notifications.

From another perspective.

Don't send email: "Did you get the answer you need... - Esri Community

perhaps they can be combined into a "fix the notifications" idea


Turning off any notifications works best for some.


Regarding the related issue Dan mentioned: Don't send email: "Did you get the answer you needed?" (if the only reply is from me)

Those emails were annoying me. So I created a custom rule in Microsoft Outlook to automatically delete those emails:


Maybe you could do something similar for your scenario?


Status changed to: In Development Backlog

Thank you @AlfredBaldenweck  for the feedback. After reviewing, we acknowledge that this is a feature which will be implemented in future enhancements. I have added this to the Known Issues document and we will be tracking it for future.


Thank you @DanPatterson @Bud for providing the workarounds.