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Mute button in all community posts

12-17-2023 03:00 PM
Status: Closed
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Esteemed Contributor

I noticed this Videos post has a mute button: Field Map Parameters Part 1 - ArcGIS Pro 3.2


I don't need to mute that post, but I do want to mute a different post (a blog): Our Thanks to Esri Community MVPs

However, that page doesn't seem to have a mute button.


(I'm not subscribed to that post, but I am subscribed to Home —> Community Resources —> Community Blog. So that’s why I’m getting notifications.)

Could we get a mute button in all post types? So that we can avoid getting excessive notifications from active posts, while remaining subscribed to the community page that the post belongs to.


Hi @Bud, and thanks for letting us know that you'd like to see the Mute feature added to all Board types. This is an enhancement request already submitted to our platform vendor by another of their users and we've indicated to them that our Community has an interest in seeing it as well. Because that idea is open with them, I'll be closing this one here. Understanding that you're specifically interested in preventing notifications of new comments on the post you've mentioned above, I am sorry that there isn't currently a good way to do that while staying subscribed to the Esri Community Blog Board itself, though I can understand why you may want that. We have seen activity on that post decline significantly over the course of the year and anticipate it to decrease further as time goes on, in-turn limiting related notifications.

Status changed to: Closed