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Exporting Map to PDF in Layout View for 10.8.2

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Emerging Contributor

Hi, I'm trying to export a map to a pdf with Nearmap imagery from my Nearmap WMS Server in Layout View for ArcMap 10.8.2. I'm unable to do so and the file appears blank when the paper size is greater than ARCH C3 and18x24 otherwise it works fine with a smaller size. It appears only to happen on my computer, my colleagues have no issue. Any feedback is appreciated.

Thank you!


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1 Reply
Emerging Contributor

If you're exporting the pdf with the exact same image settings as others that would be strange. I've had similar issues with paid for imagery providers having limits on size of image export. From the below NearMap help article they also set limits:

ArcMap - Printing Nearmap WMS Imagery to PDF - Help Center

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