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Fields grayed out

11-26-2024 07:37 AM
Occasional Contributor

I'm using utility network in a file gdb. There are certain fields in my attribute table that are grayed out and uneditable. These are not system fields. I also have a version in a service-based UN and am able to edit this field there. Is there somewhere else in the settings that might control the editability of certain fields?


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4 Replies
Frequent Contributor

Is this screenshot of the table that you have the service running off of? probably greyed out because of locks? Also have seen something like this if there is a coded domain associated with the field (which appears you have). If you change the field name, you will break the domain association and Esri is trying to save you from yourself.  Or you might not be connected as the data owner?

I will let others dive in here with answers, but off the top of my head, those seem to cause this behavior.

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Frequent Contributor

That's an interesting observation. I always though the lock would be on the entire layer rather than certain attributes in the layer. 

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Esri Frequent Contributor
Do you have attribute rules? When defining them, did you mark a field as not editable?
Frequent Contributor

this was what I was trying to describe above regarding the field locks and totally left out the part about the attribute rules, which would have been extra helpful. oye.... 

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