I have a survey where a field technician fills it out and a reviewer will look everything over before a report is generated. In this survey, a repeat is utilized where the field technician will add all the serialized tools they used for the job. We had a scenario where the field technician added an extra item to this repeat by mistake, but it appears the reviewer is unable to delete the item as they normally would be able to. They are able to edit the entry, but they are not able to remove it fully.
Normally, there is a trashcan symbol in the bottom left of the repeat to remove a record, but it is not appearing once a survey is submitted:
If the reviewer adds another item, it appears again. But if the reviewer submits that same survey and re-opens it again, it will be locked in:
I know about the "query allowUpdates=true" to add for parameters, and it's currently being used.
I'm not sure if this is a bug or if I'm missing something here.
Currently using Survey123 Connect v3.21 and Survey123 v3.21.
Does the layer/view the reviewer is accessing the data through have delete capabilities enabled? Are they able to delete these records using another application, like Map Viewer or Web Editor?
I believe I have the feature layer set correctly:
All users on my end fall into one of the two groups, Final Approve and Field, which are listed as those that can edit. I'm not sure if there's other settings I need to adjust or not.
I haven't used Map Viewer or Web Editor, so I'm not sure there. I attempted to go in and check in the Map Viewer, but it didn't look like I could delete the repeat record. This is likely that I'm not very familiar with the setup, however, so take that with a grain of salt. As for the web editor, it appears it doesn't work at all as I use functionality from Connect that isn't usable in the web version.
I'm having the same issue. I created the survey and even using my own account, I cannot delete submitted repeats when I edit a survey I submitted.
I will likely be submitting a bug report next week when my manager is back. I will update the post if I get any new information.
I've been working with the Esri Support Services, and while they're still investigating, they have a work around for the issue. It looks like we are able to remove the entry in Map Viewer. I'm not sure how many others are also unfamiliar with Map Viewer, so these are the steps to take:
This worked for me after testing and didn't have me deleting the entire entry.