I am using .csv to pull data for multiple fields, including geopoint.
The problem is, when I pull lat/long for goepoint, it's plotting the point along the street and not on the building, as the original feature point.
It wouldn't be a problem if I didn't already have a feature with multiple records for each point and they're all geocoded to the correct address buildings.
I found a great post by @IsmaelChivite (https://community.esri.com/t5/arcgis-survey123-blog/pulling-data-from-geopoint-questions/ba-p/896838) about it, but I am not sure how to fit it into what I have with .csv pulldata. If it will help, that is.
Here is what I have in calculation field.
pulldata('FacilityList', 'address', 'name', ${establishment}) |
pulldata('FacilityList', 'city', 'name', ${establishment}) |
pulldata('FacilityList', 'zip', 'name', ${establishment}) |
pulldata('FacilityList','Y', 'name', ${establishment}) |
pulldata('FacilityList','X', 'name', ${establishment}) |
concat(number(${lat}),' ', number(${long})) |
Appreciate any suggestion!