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Error when trying to edit submitted data from a public survey as the administrator

3 weeks ago
Emerging Contributor

Hi Survey123 Users,

I am the owner of a form created and published in Survey123 Connect V3.21.62. It is a public survey being used by a set group with access to the link. I am trying to edit some submitted data by accessing it through the Data tab on the Survey123 website but I received an error.

I've tried using a Firefox browser and I get the following error;


When I use Chrome or Edge I get the following error;


From looking up other posts on the community I can confirm that;

- My data is not attached to a dashboard.

- I do not have any related tables.

- There are no image questions in my form, although I do have a logo image that displays at the top of the form.

- The group submitting the data are not enabled to edit their data but I have received permission from the individual to edit the data.

Would anyone have any information on these errors?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.




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