Survey has a dateTime question that maps to a report. When I complete the survey on my laptop browser, the date and time are correct to the time zone. However, if I use my phone (browser and app) the time shows up as UTC time zone. I have tried using ${utcOffset...} on the form, but it does not display the date and time in the format I am hoping for. Questions: is there a setting on my phone that I missed? Can I add formatting to the utcOffset expression on the form to make it display "DD/MM" and "HH:mm"?
You can specify a format for date_time in reports as per above.
If you are creating reports via automations, there should be a setting in Esri's report step that does this for you (it replaces utcOffset). If you are just generating reports through the S123 Website though, you will need to stick with utcOffset, or do the conversion in the survey itself (My personal least favourite method).
Can I format the date and utcOffset at the same time? ${datetime | utcOffset: "+6:00"} ${datetime | format: "MM/DD HH:mm"} ?
Try ${datetime | utcOffset: "+6:00" | format: "MM/DD HH:mm"}
Thanks. That was easier than i thought.