I have a survey that captures quadrats and the species within.
Rather than reenter all the same species information after the first quadrat has been samples I want to copy/clone it for the next quadrat to save reentering most of the same data.
i.e. the surveyor can quickly edit the copied nested repeat for all species originally recorded rather than enter them all again for a second time.
There are at least 9 quadrats (first repeat) and 15 or more species in each (the nested repeat).
Upon creating the second quadrat it should contain all of the species data of the first within the nested repeat.
If you look at the Nested Repeat sample form its the same as copying all the equipment from the first campsite into a second one when it is created - and so on.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Not really. I have been trying different wayS for over 6 years now.
See here for what the options are
@JamesTedrick this would be great it the new 123!