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StoryMap accessibility scan issues

11-22-2024 04:12 PM
Labels (3)
Regular Contributor

I ran a scan from on the pages in a StoryMap collection that I've created for my agency. It returned a number of errors that I don't think I'm able to fix because they involve the underlying code. I'm not sure which of these are actually critical versus recommended. If anyone has any insight on the following and if I'm able to do anything about them from my end, I'd appreciate it. 

  1. Link attached to my agency's logo in header opens in new tab without label in code, and I don't see a way to change it to open in the same window from the theme I created
  2. "Keyboard focus should have a noticeable outline" (no code snippet provided)
  3. "Every page should include hidden links that allow skipping blocks"
  4. Unable to add alt text to images on collection main page
  5. "Non-functional icons/spacers should be excluded from assistive technology" ; code snippet: 
    1. <span class="jsx-2895599137 card-title" > </span>
  6. "Iframe elements should be labeled or titled" ; code snippets:
    1. <iframe loading="lazy" role="application" src="" tabindex="-1" allow="autoplay;geolocation;microphone" sandbox="allow-scripts allow-same-origin allow-forms allow-popups allow-popups...
    2. <iframe loading="lazy" role="application" src="" tabindex="-1" allow="autoplay;geolocation;microphone" sandbox="allow-scripts allow-same-origin allow-forms allow-popups allow-popups...
  7. "Titles should have a consistent hierarchy" ; code snippet:
    1. <h1></h1>
  8. "Figure elements should have text or be excluded from assistive technology (Figure elements used to display images should have a role="none" attribute, and the image itself should provide a description using the "alt" attribute.)" ; code snippet: 
    1. <figure class="jsx-1654292749 jsx-4281434020 media-wrapper with-caption"><div class="jsx-1654292749 jsx-4281434020 media-wrapper-children"><div class="jsx-1501363848 jsx-929991880 parent"><div class="jsx-1501363848 jsx-929991880 reparent-wrapper cont...
  9. "The HEAD element should include a title element with the name of the page"
    1. Is this because I have the cover hidden? 


Also, I tried using keyboard navigation along with a screen reader, and the swipe images that I have in my story did not respond to the arrow keys (but do work without the screen reader) - is there another shortcut or keys I should be using instead? 


Thank you!

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1 Reply
Esri Contributor

I would suggest getting in touch with your local Esri Distributor and ask them to investigate this further for you

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