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Exporting StoryMaps

06-08-2023 09:33 AM
Status: Open
Labels (1)
Regular Contributor

Export StoryMaps in high quality .pdf as well as some other format to preserve map actions. A way to preserve archival story maps in all their interactive glory. A concern is that, unlike conventional academic papers and books, story maps have a very limited shelf life that is determined by the whims of Esri’s StoryMap team. An export format that increased their shelf life would be useful. Have multiple layout options for exporting, possibly ‘flip-book’ layout to create StoryMap “reports/books”.


Supportive of this idea - especially the export format as an interactive PDF flipbook.


Capacity to export to HTML or similar would be very helpful. I am trying to help a faculty member get her StoryMap submitted as a web item to a journal, and the journal will only accept HTML so she is frustrated and unable to do this.

There are no good archival solutions for StoryMaps currently, it is a problem that ESRI should fix it.