Localized ArcGIS Ideas Solution Template

06-23-2022 12:36 PM
Status: Open
New Contributor III

I would like to see ArcGIS Ideas itself ported over as a solution template for organizations.  We are a relatively large and successful GIS shop that handles dozens of requests a week for solutions.  The ArcGIS Ideas framework seems like it would be ideal to funnel in that consumer feedback and help our team organize those ideas and assign them out as projects to GIS professionals to build or existing project leads to make alterations.  

For example, maybe a customer uses our configurable apps and proposes that they want a field to edit, a symbology change, or anything tweaked.  If we could route it through a system like this we could prioritize that work and be more transparent.  

Ideally, I'd see this as either a solution template for sites or experience builder... but could also see how it may be complex enough that it could be something to be looked at as a stand alone app that would be in an ArcGIS Portal app launcher (like sites, survey123, etc.).