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Can I use returnDictinctValues and resultOffset+resultRecordCount at the same time?

2 weeks ago
Labels (1)
Emerging Contributor

I need to perform a pagination query with distinct values. But when I enable returnDistinctValues and set resultOffSet and resultRecordCount, the query would fail with error messages

  • Unable to complete operation
  • Unable to perform query operation

The query parameters are

  • WHERE: <FIELD1> = 'value'
  • returnDistinctValues: true
  • resultOffset: 1
  • resultRecordCount: 20

There is nothing in the Feature Service REST API documentation that says you can't use distinct when doing pagination query. 

So is it possible to do pagination query on distinct results? Am I doing something wrong?

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1 Reply
Emerging Contributor

Under Layer (Feature Service) documentation I did find a capability parameter called supportsPaginationOnAggregatedQueries. I do not see that in the capability list in my Feature service I published and I don't see that checkbox option in the server manager either.

Is that a new feature?

How do I enable it?

What version of ArcGIS Enterprise/Server do I need to be in to have that parameter option?

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