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Python script in ArcGIS Pro to create an image server layer from USGS 3DEPElevation to use with Extract Multi Values to Points tool

01-12-2025 01:09 PM
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Emerging Contributor

I am looking to create a python script to create a temporary raster as an image server layer from USGS 3DEPElevation to use as the source raster to get elevations for a number of points using ArcGIS Pro using the  Extract Multi Values to Points tool.  Using these 2 GP tools is straight forward using a local DEM as a source, but I would like to use the USGS 3DEPElevation as the DEM  source DEM:

In Pro, when I run the Make Image Server Layer tool using the USGS 3DEPElevation data for the extent of a number of points which is~24 x24 miles 

WARNING 000950: Output raster exceeds the size limitation (rows: 8000 and columns: 8000) defined on the image server. Please input a smaller extent.

So my input would be a point layer ex> Wells and a temporary raster as an image server layer from USGS 3DEPElevation whose extent would be based on the extent of the Wells layer. The Output DEM field name in the Wells layer something like DEM3DEP. 

Thanks for any help you can supply



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MVP Regular Contributor

As the warning message indicates, you are trying to create a layer that exceeds the USGS 3DEP service's limitations. You cannot use Make Image Server Layer for the whole USGS 3DEP data set, as it covers an area that exceeds the service's 8000x8000 pixel limit.

To solve this, you will want to limit the area the tool is processing to an area of interest that is smaller than the limit.  You can do so by specifying a "Processing Extent" in the tool's Environments tab. (You can also directly specify a "Processing Extent" in the Environments tab in the Extract Multi Values to Points tool to avoid the same error there, if that approach fits your needs.)

Since you are interested in a 24x24 mile area, however, the 1-m cell size resolution of the 3DEP data will likely result in an extent that is still greater than the 8000x8000 pixel limit. So you will need to breakup your area of interest into batches or chunks whose extents are less than the limit, or downgrade the elevation data to a lower resolution.

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