Has anyone had a problem with bizarre hillshade generation in ArcGIS Pro 3.4? I recently downloaded 2019 DEMs from USGS. My previous data was 2008 with both DEMs and hillshades generated directly from LAS point clouds. This time USGS already had DEMs so I figured why go through the process of building a DEM if they already exist?
The DEM seems to be fine but when I generate the hillshade from that DEM, I get a weird waffle iron effect and data voids. The DEM clearly indicates that elevation data are there but querying the hillshade returns a no data value. Below is a screenshot of the DEM shaded red and hillshade in greyscale. As is evident, the DEM shows through the no data areas. Never had this issue before. I tried generating the hillshade from Spatial Analyst, 3D Analyst and the Raster Function and export. I assume they all call the same subroutine but tried anyway, There is no difference.
Has anyone seen this or have any suggestions?
Thanks, Jim
What's the coordinate system of the data and your Map Frame? Possibly an issue with not being in a planimetric CRS.