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Problems with hillshades on latest version of ArcGIS Pro

3 weeks ago
Occasional Contributor

Has anyone had a problem with bizarre hillshade generation in ArcGIS Pro 3.4?   I recently downloaded 2019 DEMs from USGS.  My previous data was 2008 with both DEMs and hillshades generated directly from LAS point clouds.  This time USGS already had DEMs so I figured why go through the process of building a DEM if they already exist?

The DEM seems to be fine but when I generate the hillshade from that DEM, I get a weird waffle iron effect and data voids.  The DEM clearly indicates that elevation data are there but querying the hillshade returns a no data value.  Below is a screenshot of the DEM shaded red and hillshade in greyscale.  As is evident, the DEM shows through the no data areas.  Never had this issue before.  I tried generating the hillshade from Spatial Analyst, 3D Analyst and the Raster Function and export.  I assume they all call the same subroutine but tried anyway,  There is no difference.

Has anyone seen this or have any suggestions?

Thanks, Jim



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1 Reply
MVP Frequent Contributor

What's the coordinate system of the data and your Map Frame?  Possibly an issue with not being in a planimetric CRS.

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