Since we switched completely over to Pro last year, we've been having this problem with the latitudinal labels and tick marks not lining up with each other in the grid. I can't find anything on how to get them to line up with each other. Does anybody know how to fix this? It looks terrible and certainly not worthy of publication. It also didn't happen in ArcMap.
Do you have an equivalent ArcMap output? Looking at how Alaska is projected the grid ticks are placed correctly based on the extreme angular distortion you're employing. If you swap the ticks to full grid lines do they accurately reflect the curvature of the Earth in that location?
What projection is the Map frame in? Would be interesting to try it out (Pro version, page size and scale, CRS of the map data and any transformations etc. would be handy also). @DavidSolari it's the tick labels not lining-up with the ticks rather than the distortion I think.
The issue/bug most likely has to do with a negative offset for the label. The screenshot below shows labels with a positive offset (black) and a negative offset (red).
I cannot think of any option that would help the negative offset placement be more centered with the tick/gridline. Checking on the option "Draw parallel to grid edges" helps if the labels are relatively close to the edge, however, it is not a clean solution.
I do not see any existing issue for this. I'll enter an internal issue for investigation. If this is something you want to track I would highly recommend contacting support. They can be contacted at
As for a workaround, if the end product is a printed map or export for publication you should be able to convert the grid to graphics or a feature class. This will enable you to reposition each label as you see fit.