Hi, I was trying to run a fill tool to 10 m cell size DEM layer. While initially it runs fast then after a certain time it stuck in 83% processing time. It runs fast up to 83 % then totally stuck in 83%. I kept it running overnight but still it's showing 83% processed. What is the reason?. The DEM layer was previously 2.5 feet cell size which I resampled to 10m. Even in 2.5 feet it was completed within an hour but with 10m cell size it's taking that much time without any progress after 83%. I cancelled the tool, restarted the computer and again run the tool. But still, it is stuck at 83% processing.
Fill (Spatial Analyst)—ArcGIS Pro | Documentation
There are lots of things that can affect performance.
Running Sink, as suggested in the help might be worth while before proceeding to Fill so you can examine the Sink results.
Resampling can create issues
Resample—ArcGIS Pro | Documentation
what methods have you tried?
Thank you for responding. I tried sink tool before running the Fill too. It also was taking forever to complete the sink tool. Then I had to cancel the sink tool (see history).
In the case of resampling, I used previously filled DEM which was 2.5 feet. Since I resample the DEM, I was thinking I have to fill the sinks. Is using already filled DEM creating this problem? I used nearest Neighbour technique for resampling. I checked the tool now, it's still stuck in 83%.
If you tried the sink already and it is cutting out at 83% again, I would clip a portion of the raster to see if you can get a smaller area to complete.
You should indicate the size of the raster. It may be that you are just running out of memory and every step is being written out to disk which is going to painfully slow down the progress.
Otherwise... off to Tech Support so they can get the information from you that would be needed to resolve your specific situation.