Hello and Happy New Year to you all..
I am not sure if someone already post this in the past here , but I want to ask you all I have a question that I would like ask.
I may have accidently add an ArcGIS Server connection to all of my projects in Pro !. How can I delete some or all of them ?
I don’t have my computer in front of me but I believe a right-click on the server connection will give an option to remove the connection.
Check out this thread.
Connect to a GIS server—ArcGIS Pro | Documentation
under Remove a connection
You can remove an item connection in the Catalog pane or catalog view if you no longer need to work with the item or if its contents become unavailable. When you remove an item connection, the item and its contents are no longer directly accessible from the project. However, they are not deleted from their computer, network, or cloud location.
plus more
I hope you aren't looking for a one-off solution since I suspect it isn't possible unless the above can be confirmed
It does not work if you have acciently add the ArcGIS Server Connection to all the project I did, however , I did track down to where the file located is it is missing.
I had to manually open each project and verfiied that it is there or not. Some of them were there and I had to remove from the project. Some of them were not there ...
I believe if you had import a mxd into ArcGIS Pro, it may not be there.