Does anyone know if ArcGIS Pro has Data Driven Pages capabilities yet? Also, would like to be able to customize layout properties of items and display for each map page using arcpy. I currently do this with a custom add-in for desktop, but would like to be able to move the process to pro. Would like to know if ESRI is planning to create their own add-in for Pro to achieve these types of functions. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
Message was edited by: Steve Ptak
Solved! Go to Solution.
See this link:
UC Q&A | 2015 Esri User Conference
"ArcGIS Pro 1.2 is planned for release in Q4 2015. It will include:
Thanks Dan! The custom add-in we currently have uses Arcpy. I was curious if ESRI was planning on creating their own add-in for pro that allows this type of customization. (Thus retiring ours and avoiding any tweaks I may need to make)
Steve, Just fyi Python addin files are not going to be supported in Pro, from what I understand. I've been told this is mainly due to the "ribbon" format. However, The toolbox and many of the tools/scripts that you have written should work.....assuming they have the equivalent arcpy or tool supported in Pro. Of course this is not the case for all things (including data-driven, as Dan's link pointed out).
edit...oh, and I haven't messed with changing to the yet myself.
See this link:
UC Q&A | 2015 Esri User Conference
"ArcGIS Pro 1.2 is planned for release in Q4 2015. It will include:
Good stuff. Thanks!
Happy to help. I, too, am excited to see and work with version 1.2.
Hi Steve,
I have a script to create a Map Book that I made a few days ago with the help of Create a map book with Python—ArcGIS Pro | ArcGIS for Desktop . It modifies the text elements and map extent to act like they would with the data driven functionality. Hopefully this post points you or someone else reading this in the right direction if they don't want to wait until the next release. See the attached file for the PDF it outputs.
import arcpy, os from arcpy import env # Set input feature class to parameter fc = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(0) env.workspace = os.path.dirname(fc) # Set output PDF location to parameter pdfOutput = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(1) # Create the PDF file pdfPath = os.path.join(pdfOutput,'Inspection.pdf') pdfDoc = # Assign project to parameter project ="D:\WebSeminars\ProTasks_Demos\Demo2\Data\BuildingTasks\BuildingTasks.aprx") # Select layout and assign to parameter lyt = project.listLayouts("Layout")[0] # Set map frame to a parameter and get an extent object mf = lyt.listElements("MAPFRAME_ELEMENT", "Map Map Frame")[0] # Set map to a parameter - when importing the layout, it imports the map that was saved with it (ensure this is set correctly)****** map = project.listMaps("Map")[0] # Set asset layer to a parameter lyr = map.listLayers(fc)[0] # Assign Title, Location, Structure, Asset ID, Condition, Last Inspection, and Notes text elements to parameters titleText = lyt.listElements("TEXT_ELEMENT","Title Text")[0] locationText = lyt.listElements("TEXT_ELEMENT","Location Text")[0] structureText = lyt.listElements("TEXT_ELEMENT","Structure Text")[0] assetText = lyt.listElements("TEXT_ELEMENT","Asset ID Text")[0] conditionText = lyt.listElements("TEXT_ELEMENT","Condition Text")[0] lastInspectionText = lyt.listElements("TEXT_ELEMENT","Last Inspection Text")[0] notesText = lyt.listElements("TEXT_ELEMENT","Notes Text")[0] # Hide Location, Asset ID, Condition, and Last Inspection text elements for the title page locationText.text = " " structureText.text = " " assetText.text = " " conditionText.text = " " lastInspectionText.text = " " notesText.text = " " # Zoom to extent of asset layer ###extent = mf.getLayerExtent (lyr,"False","True") extent = mf.getLayerExtent(lyr) # Create Title Page for PDF lyt.exportToPDF(os.path.join(pdfOutput,"TitlePage.pdf")) pdfDoc.appendPages(os.path.join(pdfOutput,"TitlePage.pdf")) # Add Length field and calculate values (maintain length in point feature class) arcpy.AddField_management(fc,"Length","FLOAT") arcpy.CalculateField_management(fc,"Length","!Shape_Length!","PYTHON") # Copy selected features to in-memory workspace arcpy.CopyFeatures_management(fc,"in_memory/SelectedAssets") # Create center point of assets arcpy.FeatureToPoint_management("in_memory/SelectedAssets","in_memory/AssetCentroid","CENTROID") notesText.text = "Notes: _________________________________________________________________________" # Loop through selected records and create map book with arcpy.da.SearchCursor("in_memory/AssetCentroid", ['AssetID','CONDITION','LastInspection','DESCRIPTIO','Length','SHAPE@XY','STRUCTURE1']) as cursor: for row in cursor: # Get x and y values of centroid x, y = row[5] # Set different map extents for different sized features if row[4] < 70: # Set smaller extent left = x - 166 right = x + 166 top = y + 131 bottom = y - 131 else: # Set larger extent left = x - 494 right = x + 494 top = y + 390 bottom = y - 390 # Create string from Condition domain value if str(row[1]) == '1': conditionValue = 'Bad' elif str(row[1]) == '2': conditionValue = 'Poor' elif str(row[1]) == '3': conditionValue = 'Fair' elif str(row[1]) == '4': conditionValue = 'Good' elif str(row[1]) == '5': conditionValue = 'Very Good' # Update Title, Condition, and Last Inspection text elements titleText.text = " " locationText.text = "Location: " + str(row[3]) structureText.text = "Structure: " + str(row[6]) assetText.text = "Asset ID: " + str(row[0]) conditionText.text = "Condition: " + conditionValue lastInspectionText.text = "Last Inspection Date: " + str(row[2]) # Update map frame extent to the current asset feature # Assign extent values to parameter desc = arcpy. Describe(fc) sr = desc.spatialReference # Assign extent object new values extent.XMin = left extent.XMax = right extent.YMax = top extent.YMin = bottom # Append pages to the PDF lyt.exportToPDF(os.path.join(pdfOutput,"Asset" + str(row[0]) + ".pdf")) pdfDoc.appendPages(os.path.join(pdfOutput,"Asset" + str(row[0]) + ".pdf")) # Set document properties – Change pdf_author to your name or the name of your organization pdfDoc.updateDocProperties(pdf_title = "Asset Inspection", pdf_author = "Esri Canada", pdf_subject = "Asset Inspection", pdf_keywords = "inspection; asset; condition; last inspection", pdf_open_view = "USE_THUMBS", pdf_layout = "SINGLE_PAGE") pdfDoc.saveAndClose()
Thank you Jennifer! I'll try this out in the coming weeks.