Hi all,
I'm attempting to create custom symbology on a tesselation layer. Currently I have the symbology as checkerboard style, but would like to instead have the symbology to be like the selected polygons below.
Ideally, a more alternating checkerboard type of style.
Here is the expression I am currently using:
var id = Split($feature.GRID_ID, '-')
var x = ToCharCode(id[0])
var y = Number(id[1])
return iif(x % 1 == y % 2, 'X', 'Y')
I'm not sure if my ideal symbology can be achieved using arcade or if I should try other ways of achieving it. Any thoughts or suggestions are appreciated!
Assuming your grid is like A-0, B-0, A-1, B-1 etc., would this work?
(x % 2 == 1) && (y % 2 == 0)
Hi David - Thanks for your response! My grid does follow the A-0, B-0 convention. Here is what it looks like after trying your suggestion:
It's close but doesn't select the "alternating" diamonds