I have a Plugable usb 3.0 and usb-c dual displayport or hdmi display docking station. It worked fine with my 2 extra monitors, but since upgrading to arcpro 3.4, maps and layouts will not render in the connected monitors. They are 90% opaque. Everything else, including PDF exports of maps looks fine. Has anyone experienced this and ... resolved it? I am in communication with plugable as well and will relay what they say if it has something to do with ESRI software.
I have the same version and same setup I believe, and I've had no issues so far. I'm curious if it would be possible to check your OS updates, along with updating the firmware of the docking station to see if there may be a problem? May also check the drivers for the Plugable as well. To me this sounds like a driver issue or update needing to be completed.
As usually just check the cords to make sure they're sat and plugged in fully, may try to replug everything back in as well.
Thank you. I've updated the docking station firmware, and tried several different chords. plugable thought it could be the rendering engine setting. https://pro.arcgis.com/en/pro-app/latest/help/mapping/properties/display-options.htm#ESRI_SECTION1_C... I'll check when I get a chance. Thanks for your input.
Plugable researched it and discovered that 3.4 uses the DirectX 12 rendering engine and that setting might be the culprit. It was but not the way I expected. I checked and found that DirectX 11 was set and changing to the new setting fixed the problem: