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Remove Geoprocessing Suggestions

06-04-2024 01:27 PM
Status: In Product Plan
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Frequent Contributor

I just ran some geoprocessing on Pro 3.3 and noticed the "Suggestions" label in the status area.  I don't need or care about getting suggestions for anything.  That's what help systems are for.  If I need something, make sure you have a good searching system so I can find what I need.  So I looked for an option to remove it.  I couldn't find one.  In addition, I see that this Suggestions thing uses AI and requires the AI Models > Tool Suggestions to be installed which I didn't.  So not only is it annoying that it's here, it's not even possible to use in my installation.  If the required tools aren't installed, then it's shouldn't be here.  Even if it was, this is still an annoying button/label/whatever it is and should be able to be enabled/disabled based on if the user wants it there.

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Would be nice to have this as an app-level setting that can be locked off during installation, I'd hate to troubleshoot something a junior tech did because "the computer told me to".


@DavidSolari the code is ready for it at the app-level setting and was in our initial development.  If you could make an idea for it we can track it.  We didn't think it was needed because we made it an opt-in install.

Status changed to: In Product Plan

@BillyBuerger Yes we will be removing the unused Suggestions banner and Icon in a future release. 

Details: The reason for it is because as the Geoprocessing team this is an awesome feature with a lot of potential to elevate tool discoverability.

Blog with the details: AI-Enhanced User Experiences in ArcGIS Pro 3.3 (


Thanks @JonathanNeal.  Glad to hear it will not be there in future releases.  I'm fine with it being an option but I personally do not believe it will be a particularly useful feature.  AI could be useful if used correctly in a geoprocessing tool to do analysis and data processing.  Using AI for suggestions and "chat-bot" type things seems like a very superficial use of the technology.  But that apparently is what everyone these days is focused on.


@BillyBuerger Nope definitely not a chat experience.  Our AI does not take in natural language and speak some nonsense.  In the blog post above, Margrete does a great job explaining it.

Short version (all locally computed on the users machine using CPU):
1. We map natural language to tools, then measure your text to the closest tools.
2. Giving users back their EUEI data in the form of a model that predicts relevant next tools

Why I like it, typically within 2 clicks on the Try again button, we get to the next tool in my workflows.  Else, I need to do two clicks, type in my search, then click to open my tool.  When your doing it all the time we are all about removing the clicks and making work seamless.


FYI @BillyBuerger AI Assistant idea is another project, (takes in chat and output relevant, high quality, ArcGIS Pro, guidance).


I'm with @BillyBuerger  on this, if the functionality has not been part of the base install then I should not be seeing it. 

I'm also unlikely to use it if it was installed. Personally I think the AI in GIS is great for all those deep learning tools, that I choose to use when needed. Having something suggest a tool seems to me a lazy persons option. What it far better and what ESRI has excelled at in the past is to provide well written help files, with good examples and sample code. People new to GIS need that foundation not have some AI suggest something and they don't understand why are doing it.  I do hope ESRI continue their fine tradition of providing great help rather than let chatbots and AI take over...