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Open second tool from history "as new tab" in GP pane (similar to 'add another tool')

12-12-2024 03:52 PM
Status: Open
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Honored Contributor

I sometimes am configuring a tool when I realize I need to go back and re-run another tool. It is helpful to pull that previous tool from my GP history so I can just make the tweak and get on with it, but unfortunately the only way to do so is to knock out the tool you have going. Opening something from GP History replaces the active GP tool in the GP pane, losing any parameters you've set. A R click --> Open as additional tool (or similarly worded) from the history pane would be a fantastic addition for this workflow.

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Gosh yes. This would be a game changer.

It's currently available in the geoprocessing pane (which to be honest I never think of using), but for custom toolboxes, having it also available as a right-click would be a lot more efficient.




@AlfredBaldenweckYeah, ArcMap never had this problem whatsoever. It would be better if GP tools just opened as their own windows and toolbox would be toolbox again. I don't like the way help works now either. The whole hovering over a tiny target thing is annoying.