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Native support (read/write) of GeoJSON without needing to convert

Status: Open
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MVP Regular Contributor

Inspired by an internal post in my organization, as well as this post.

As of today and Pro 3.4, the only geoJSON support is as input or output of conversion tools.

I would like to be able to pull data from a geoJSON directly into my map to manipulate it, similar to how we can work with CAD data or other types of data. This would simplify workflows in which, for example, the user downloads geoJSON from USGS or something and has to use it to update their map. Being able to just plug it in would save a lot of time.

I think this would probably necessitate a new workspace factory.

@Dan_Joyce_OE pointed out that arcpy.FeatureSet may be a viable option for coding, but unfortunately that doesn't work for just normal map use.

A lot more people are using geoJSON (I've even had an Esri staff member suggest it to me); please make it more convenient for us to use.



1 Comment

This would be really useful, I find myself needing to import GeoJSON files quite frequently like those from Overpass Turbo (OpenStreetMap).