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Elevation Transformation using Autodesk Connector in C3D

3 weeks ago
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New Contributor

I am trying to finalize a workflow to use Field Maps to collect high accuracy GNSS data with the end goal of being able to bring that data into Civil3D. Everything is working great on the field side, my issue is with the ellipsoidal to orthometric conversion happening when I bring data into Civil3D via the Autodesk Connector for ArcGIS.

I have the horizontal coordinate system set to the same CS I am using in Field Maps and my data is coming in the horizontal plane accurately. My issue is that since ArcGIS stores elevation as an altitude in meters, the connector is transforming that ellipsoidal height to a orthometric height and is getting is wrong by a few feet, compared to manually converting the altitude field to a real elevation. My assumption is that it is using the wrong geoid model to do this but I cannot find what geoid is being used or how to set this to a different one.

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1 Reply
New Contributor

This morning I spent some time trying the various geoid models and confirmed that the connector is using EGM2008, I need to be able to change this to Geoid18 for work on a US state plane coordinate system.

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