Is there anywhere that provides more detailed descriptions of different travel modes specified in the Travel Areas tool? I'm particularly interested in the Fire Truck mode that doesn't seem to be described in this document. Any other good resources (ESRI or otherwise) someone can recommend for understanding doing drive time type analysis?
Hi, the document you linked to lists all the default travel modes provided by Esri. The Fire Truck mode isn't a default travel mode provided by Esri, if you see it in your organization, it is possible that the administrator of your ArcGIS Online organization creates that travel mode. You might want to check with the administrator and see what settings they turn on for the Fire Truck mode.
When the administrator configures the travel mode, he is probably turning on some restrictions to represent what roads a fire truck has access to. Here is the documentation for all the restrictions that can be turned on/ off on each travel mode.
A few restrictions might have been configured by the admin include:
Hope this helps.
@MaxZeng thanks for making me aware of that, I will have to find out who has configured that!