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Composite Locator added to AGOL is no longer Geocoding Properly

3 weeks ago
Emerging Contributor

We have a Composite Locator built using the, now deprecated, Create Address Locator tool. The Composite Locator is served out on ArcGIS Server 10.7.1. It has been added to our AGOL org and has been used by our customers, without issue, for many years. Yesterday, we discovered that it is no longer geocoding properly. When attempting to geocode in AGOL using our Composite Locator, AGOL will stop part way through the list of addresses and not process any more of them. I've used two different address lists and get the same results, not all of the addresses geocode. For example, for one list, out of 106 addresses, 27 of them will not match in AGOL; out of the other list of 300 addresses, 151 of them did not match. However, both lists will geocode perfectly in ArcGIS Pro, with only 2 ummatched addresses for the list of 106 addresses and 4 unmatched addresses for the list of 300 addresses. Also, when I search for those addresses individually in AGOL, using our Composite Locator, they are located.

I know it's old technology and we are working on implementing a new environment using the latest ArcGIS Server, this takes time, though. We need to keep this working for a little bit longer.

Does anyone have any thoughts on what may be happening?

10 Replies
Emerging Contributor

Same issue here. I did some testing and it looks like it only work for composite locator built and published from ArcGIS Pro.

I don’t believe this has to do with the version of ArcGIS server since ours is 10.9.1.

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Emerging Contributor

Thank you. I'm glad someone else is having the same issue and it's not just us. It's unfortunate that this is the case now. I wonder what changed in AGOL. I submitted an Esri case request about this. We'll see what they say.

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Esri Regular Contributor

@LisaLowe__DOIT_1I had a few questions to get a better understanding of what is going on with your composite locator.

1. Can you provide the performance settings of the composite locator?

2. In which application were the classic locators in the composite created?

3. Which version of ArcGIS Pro are you geocoding the tables and getting better results?

4. When geocoding the tables in ArcGIS Pro are you using the local composite locator or the composite geocode service?

5. Have you attempted to recreate the locator in ArcGIS Pro with the Create Locator tool and publish it to ArcGIS Server 10.7.1 to see if you get the same behavior when the service is used in AGOL?

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Emerging Contributor

1) Where can I find those? I can get to the performance settings of the participating locators but when I look at the properties of the composite, I don't see performance settings.

2) It was created in ArcMap 10.7.1

3) Version 3.1.2

4) I'm using the composite geocoding service.

5) No, I haven't tried that but I will. 


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Esri Regular Contributor

1. You can open the properties of the local composite locator in ArcGIS Pro 3.1.2 and select the Performance tab. In formation about the participating classic locators will not be accessible.



2. If multithreading is enabled, uncheck it and publish the composite as a service and try geocoding with it in AGOL again. Do you get the same behavior?

5. What type of locators are in the composite, which locator style was used to build the participating locators? Are you open to building a multirole locator in ArcGIS Pro?


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Emerging Contributor

Thanks. I wasn't looking in Pro but was in ArcMap 10.7.1 since that is were we published it from. Multithreading is checked. I can't do anything at the moment. I need to wait until after business hours to try.

 We have the following locators in the composite.

- Address Point locator. Style used is US Address - Single House

- Parcel Point Locator. Style used is US Address - Single House

- Road Centerlines. Style used is US Address - Dual Ranges

- Places (POI). Style used is General - Single Field

- Highway Exits. Style used is General - Single Field

- Mile Markers. Style used is General - Single Field

I have built a multirole locator for our new enterprise environment. We aren't going to do that in the current enterprise environment since it will be going away within the next few months. I'm just trying to get this one working in AGOL until then.

Regarding the multirole locator, it works great in Enterprise Portal but won't work in AGOL.

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Emerging Contributor

@ShanaBritt , based on my testing the issue is related to composite locator published with ArcMap (hence ArcMap runtime). No issue with composite locator published with Pro. Hope this will give you a better direction to troubleshoot.

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Esri Regular Contributor

@LisaLowe__DOIT_1 The only way that I see you getting the existing composite working or the existing classic locators working in a composite is to install ArcGIS Pro 2.9.x and publish the composite from there to ArcGIS Server 10.7.1. You will not be able to use the local composite in ArcGIS Pro 3.1.2 because the classic locators are deprecated and will show as invalid and you will get the red dotted line under Participating locators like in my screenshot, which is a composite with classic participating locators.

Is publishing the multirole locator to 10.7.1 not an option? It seems odd to me that the multirole published to Enterprise isn't working when it  is added to AGOL and used for geocoding via Add item or in the MapViewer. What is the version of  Enterprise is the multirole working well on?

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Emerging Contributor

I decided to try out staging composite locator and see if that works. It did. It's the same configuration as the one in production and built using the same version of ArcMap and publish to the same version or ArcGIS Server. I'm not sure why our staging composite will work in AGOL but the production version will not.

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