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Saved Field Calculation Expressions

4 weeks ago
Status: Open
Frequent Contributor

I would love to be able to save Field Calculation Arcade/SQL Expressions as shareable items. 

Use case:  I have some non-technical, non-GIS, non-AGOL trained staff who will need to be able to view a polygon layer table, select a column, and calculate all the records for a given column to a single value.  Instead of having them do that in any of the myriad of manual ways, it would be great to be able to create an Arcade or SQL expression, save that as a shareable item, and then even associate that expression with say an Experience Builder button.  The result would be an easy UX that allows these users to fire up a web experience, click the appropriate buttons, and have the record attributes in the polygon layer update accordingly.

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Indeed, Thanks @AlfredBaldenweck .  That post is more broad than this one, which is fine, but in my case, SQL expressions would need to be in the mix as well since I'm primarily concerned with feature layer attribute calculations and sometimes we only have the option to use the SQL expression format, due to data structure limitations.  Nonetheless, I kudo'd that one as well.  😉