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Admiralty Chart Data

01-17-2024 09:47 AM
Emerging Contributor


I am researcher currently working on a project which involves a geospatial analysis of the Irish coast to identify potential sites for the temporary wet-storage of floating offshore wind platforms during the installation phase. For this, I have installed the ArcGIS Maritime Extension for ArcGIS Pro. However, I am having difficulty accessing the chart data. Can anyone advise on how to access (or purchase) the navigational chart data (e.g. Admiralty Charts Data) for use in ArcGIS Pro? I do not have ArcGIS Enterprise btw. 

Thank you,


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1 Reply
Esri Contributor

Hi Ross,

Esri does not provide the chart data.  You can purchase this through Admiralty Maritime Data Solutions by finding a local distributor

There are vector as well as raster options but it typically comes down to the license agreement and what you are trying to do with the data.   

Are you looking for vector data to load into a geodatabase for analysis?  Or are you looking for raster data as a web service that you can use as a basemap?   

Here's a public site from NOAA  that displays S-57 ENC datasets as web services.  You can search NOAA ENC Online in ArcGIS Pro's catalogue pane to load this MapServer into your project as an example.  This service uses the ArcGIS Maritime Server Extension.  

The ArcGIS Maritime Server Extension can also load the UKHO AVCS S-63 datasets if you require hosting them yourself.  

Looking forward to your reply.



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