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Zone Lookup Export Bug?

4 weeks ago
Labels (1)
Occasional Contributor

Good Afternoon!

I am running Enterprise 11.2 and am having some issues with this Instant App. I notice that I can't seem to find where the export button is supposed to be? Folks on Reddit say it's supposed to be in the top right corner of the results pane, and it looks like I get a goofy string there instead (See attachment Results1). I swear I have the option configured (See attachments Options2).

Thanks so much!

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2 Replies
Esri Frequent Contributor

Is your app public if so can you share the link? If not can you check the custom css config box and see if you have any custom css there. Also are you on Enterprise or Online? If Enterprise which version?

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Occasional Contributor

Unfortunately it's not public. There's no CSS being used and we're on Enterprise 11.2. 

I checked on AGOL by creating a different zone lookup app with different map/dataset and it seemed to work just fine so I figured it was an Enterprise issue 😞

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