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Download from Open Data as FGDB functionality missing/removed?

11-14-2024 10:07 AM
Regular Contributor

Previously users were able to download a dataset in FGDB format. It appears as though this functionality is missing and/or removed.  Is there any information on this?  

Other users have also noted its absence in the most recent posts on this thread:

Enable File Geodatabase downloads (on Open Data) f... - Page 4 - Esri Community

1 Reply
Occasional Contributor

Howdy - I've been waiting for this to return as well, and if you take another peek at your hubsite today, you should see the restoration of fgdb downloads!!??

There was a release earlier today and while the changelog doesn't indicate it was added back - I have been on the lookout - and I do now see it on my hub site!

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