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When a record is created in a feature layer trigger not firing.

10-15-2024 06:58 AM
Occasional Contributor

I'm on ArcGIS Enterprise 11.2 and am very new to power automate. Currently the flow I'd like to implement involves sending an email when a new point feature is created in a feature layer however the trigger never fires. I've confirmed that the webhook is being created on the feature layer I want to trigger the event. I've also confirmed that I can access data from the feature layer using the manual button and the get data action. I've tested this by trying to add new points in field maps, map viewer, and ArcGIS Pro but no matter what the trigger never fires. 

I'm at a bit of a loss now as to what might be going on. Any help would be appreciated as I really want to leverage Power Automate for our business.

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3 Replies
Frequent Contributor

have you posted/searched this over on the Power Automate forums? This sounds more like a PA question then an Esri one. I know we had to do something special with our emails to set them up to work with PA, but I am blanking right now on what that was. I am sure with a little googling you will be able to find what you need. 

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Occasional Contributor

I've been working on trying to get this to work for a while now. There are very few posts about this specific issue on Power Automate or Esri. I'm fairly certain that our webhooks are simply not working on our server.

I found this post which seems to be a very similar situation but I haven't been able to test it out to see if the steps listed will work yet: 

Basically I think Power Automate is fine, it has something to do with our server. Thanks anyway though.

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Esri Contributor

Hi @ColeHowell 

It would be good to know if you can test with sites that allow you to register webhook (and act as a receiver of the webhook payload) such as so we can eliminate ArcGIS Enterprise Power Automate connector. I assume you are using the ArcGIS Enterprise Power automate connector.

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