I am having an issue where I'd like to create a relationship class between an enterprise feature class and enterprise table using the "Create Relationship Class" geoprocessing tool in ArcPro. I have created a Global Id field for the origin table and a GUID field for the output table which I have set as the origin primary key and foreign primary key respectively. However, when I go to run it, it's giving me "160263: Invalid relationship class specification"
When I've tried to look into this error online, I don't get much information but what I've gleamed is that this error might crop up when the foreign and primary keys are different field types. At the same time, ESRI recommends this exact method as a reliable way to ensure a unique relationship.
My goal is to use this relationship for field maps so that site visits to the same location only have one point for multiple inspections.
I'm using ArcPro 2.9.5
Any help is appreciated, thank you!
You definitely want the same field types.
You could try not using Global IDs at all:https://community.esri.com/t5/arcgis-collector-questions/related-tables-for-offline-data-collection/...
I've done it in Enterprise with Global IDs and it worked fine though.
Hi! Thanks for the quick response. I do understand that you can just use a field with the same field type. However, ESRI recommends using a GUID to Global ID relationship to ensure unique relationships. It would also automatically assign the unique identifier for the user instead of them having to type it in which would avoid potential user error. This is outlined in the linked article below:
So I'm not sure why it is having an issue for this relationship when I try and use the tool. Is there a limitation for enterprise classes/tables?
They recommend it but based on real world experience they are incorrect. See all my reasons in the post linked above.
What's your Enterprise version? My org is 11.1 with Pro 3.1 and I've created dozens of relationship pairs with a GlobalID from the parent linked to a GUID in the child. Works flawlessly with Survey123 (my primary use case) and I haven't noticed anything break with Field Maps. Worst case you may want to ring up support and work with them to build a reproduction of your workflow, this could easily be some obscure combo of Pro, Enterprise, EGDB and RDBMS versions breaking things.
@IslandCounty From what I can tell in your screenshot the configuration in the tool looks correct. I suggest reaching out to Support if you can. It appears that the Pro team does not have a good understanding of why this error occurs and providing additional cases can help. See this article: