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Zoom to selected feature in attribute table not working in EXPB

a week ago
Labels (1)
Emerging Contributor

Hi folks,


I have set up an experience builder app, and I want users to be able to select a record in the attribute table and then zoom to the feature on the map.

I have applied the data and attribute actions to 'zoom' to map 1 in the attribute table widget config, but it still does not work. Is this because I am using map image layers and not feature layers in the app?.

6 Replies
MVP Regular Contributor

You should definitely be able to do it with map image layers. Can you share a screenshot of the widget config please?

Happy mapping,
- Zach
0 Kudos
Emerging Contributor




Thanks for the quick response Zach, hoping I've just missed something

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MVP Regular Contributor

May I ask what version you are using? I tested this out with a map of mine that only uses Map Image layers, no feature, and I have no problem configuring the zoom to action like you have above. Is it possible there's something amiss with the Action settings when you click on the Record selection changes action? Here's what mine looks like (dev edition 1.16):



Happy mapping,
- Zach
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Emerging Contributor

11.3 Enterprise, I really am hoping it's something simple...

Set the actions as below;



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MVP Regular Contributor

Honestly, this really looks like it should be working. I found a bug that is specific to the search widget in this version where if there are more than one layer as a possible input, then the zoom to doesn't work.

Now these are totally different widgets but just for kicks, what happens if the only trigger data in that list is "Domestic"?

Happy mapping,
- Zach
0 Kudos
Emerging Contributor

It was a good theory but still no luck! I'll log it with ESRI support to see if they can confirm it's a bug with this version, just so strange, as the zoom to works with no selection i.e. zoom to all the data in the attribute table!


Thanks very much for your help Zach, greatly appreciated!



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