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Show related data for large selections?

2 weeks ago
Occasional Contributor

I am attempting to rebuild an app originally created in Web AppBuilder (WAB) with Experience Builder (ExpB). This app relies heavily on a REST service with many point features and related tables. Each table has a 1:many relate with the parent point features. The service is loaded into an ArcGIS Online Web Map, which is then used as the data source in WAB and ExpB.

I am experiencing an issue in ExpB where the select>show related action (via spatial select or table widgets) breaks for larger selections (~200+ features), in most cases stalling indefinitely, sometimes crashing out to a "page unresponsive" message in Chrome. In WAB, the select>show related action can return up to the record return limit (10,000 for this particular service) with ease.

I assume that this is a bug with ExpB, but would love to know if there is simply a setting that I am missing. Unfortunately, the ExpB limitation breaks the core functionality of this app.

Similarly, is there any way to enable shift+select for rows in the attribute table? This is another feature of WAB that seems to be missing in ExpB. I have select multiple enabled, but can only add to the selection one row at a time.

I am using ExpB Developer edition 1.16 and can also confirm this behavior in the ArcGIS Online ExpB. Thanks for the advice!

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1 Reply
Occasional Contributor

I've stumbled upon something of a workaround, though still not the functionality enjoyed in WAB:

I've added a trigger to the Select widget with a Framework target set to filter related data tables when parent features are selected. Incidentally, if the condition is set to "Use layer's relationship" (i.e. the relationship that is baked into the web service), I get the limited functionality described above. However, if I use "Set custom connection fields" and redefine the relationship keys in ExpB, the filter can handle much larger selections - though the app still times out on very large selections rather than just returning up to the record limit.

In this case, the "show related data" options (from both the select widget and table) still break for all but the smallest selection of features - and even then, I am limited to fetching only the related records that are "loaded," which defaults to 20.

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