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How to allow local file upload with the Analysis widget using a Custom web tool published from a Notebook (ArcGIS Online)

4 weeks ago
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New Contributor

In an experience builder, I need to allow users to upload an Excel file for further processing in a notebook published as a Custom web tool.

I created a notebook, configured the input parameters with a "file" type, declared it in the notebook code and published it.

In Experience Builder, I configured the analysis widget to use the published Custom web tool.

However, when configuring the Analysis widget, the checkbox "Allow local file upload" was disabled in the input parameter for the file.

I discovered that I could edit the json service file for the web tool (webtoolService.json) using ArcGIS Assistant and allow uploads with

"capabilities": "Uploads".

I can now enable the "Allow local file upload" option in the widget and I can click on the "upload" button then choose a local file to upload from my computer (small 1kb csv file). But when I do, I get the error:

"Error performing upload operation, file size or type not supported for this service"

What am I missing? I swear I could do this operation like 4-5 weeks ago when exploring the functionalities of notebooks and analysis widget.

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2 Replies
Esri Regular Contributor

@PatricePineaultWSP Thanks for reaching out. Some questions: 
1. What version of ExB are you using? 
2. What type of the file you are trying to upload? 
3. Can you check your web tool service's admin point see its allowing file types and max file size.
Such as "https://domainname/server/admin/services/Tooname.GPServer"



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  1. 1.16.0
  2. At the moment, CSV. But need it to  be XLSX
  3.<myToolId>.GPServer There are no properties about "Max upload file size" or "Allowed upload file types"


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