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Experience Builder Print Widget Not printing Base Map (imagery)

12-11-2024 08:55 AM
Emerging Contributor

Hi all,

I am having issues with an initial draft of an experience I am building.

Specifically, on any of the three maps, the printing widget isn't printing the imagery or imagery with labels basemap at certain extents but only when one of my data layers has been turned on (lakes, rivers & streams).

I have been through all of the print widget setting but cannot find anything that might be related. I have also reconstructed the widget controller from scratch and nothing is working.

Any help would be really appreciated.



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3 Replies
by MVP Regular Contributor
MVP Regular Contributor

Not sure if an EXB is supposed to be linked but nothing is coming up. I tested on my own EXB of printing with just my satellite imagery and it works as expected. 

0 Kudos
MVP Alum

The URL was missing the h at the very beginning. Here's the correct one Dromore River Catchment Mapping Project Spatial Data Portal V.1 but it's just a draft and shows no widgets.

Esri Regular Contributor

Hi @GISWisDom ,

Could you try changing the map print extents from "Current map extent" to "Current map scale" in the print widget settings, and see if you can still reproduce this bug?


If it can still be reproduced, can you give me a copy of the recording that reproduces the bug? I cannot reproduce it on my end.

Many thanks,
