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Display layer info in Experience Builder 10.9.1

08-01-2024 07:24 AM
Labels (1)
Regular Contributor

Hi all,

I am trying to add/configure a button in experience builder that will provide some general info about the layers in the map. The attached screenshot is from a map viewer that does what I want, when you click on one of the ? buttons ( one of these buttons is circled in red on the screenshot) that box appears with the layer info. Currently when I add layers to my map I get an Info icon which links to the rest endpoint, I dont want that. I expect this is an easy thing to do and I am missing something, my excuse is this is the first time I have used experience builder as we have always used web apps.


Thanks you



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1 Reply
Esri Regular Contributor

Hi @davidchamberlain2 

In Map Layers, if the item is from a REST endpoint service, then it will be directed to that; if it's an item, it should be directed to the corresponding page.


However, this behavior had been changed until AGOL 10.2, which means only enterprise versions 11.1 or later could pick that up - fixed in BUG-000146252. Unfortunately, earlier than 11.1 (as 10.9.1 as you are in), they all went into the rest endpoint page.

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