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Zoom and pan from list widget when data source is table

12-13-2024 06:04 AM
Status: Open
Labels (1)
Occasional Contributor

I would like the ability to add zoom and pan trigger to list widget when the widgets data source is table without geometry. Table shares id with feature class on the map and the widget actions allows to connect the table with the feature class via the shared id and thus zooms to the feature on the map. 

For example when I have related tabels (feature class --> table) and I want to show features from the table in list widget but also the ability to click on the list and then zoom to the feature which is related with the list item.

Another example I have point and line feature class with identical schema and I make database view to union the two into one table and then add that table into list widget. Then I want to click on list item and zoom to the point or line feature on the map.

1 Comment

Thank you for posting this, you saved me some trouble this morning. I discovered this limitation last week and it's been bugging me. In fact, my use case is exactly the same as your second example. I have three feature classes with identical schemas Unioned in a SQL view. It's all the same data with the same ID's, it would be really helpful to be able to zoom to features from a single table list.

There's a workaround if you're able to host the data (  but if my feature classes will be referenced, it would make no sense to make just the table hosted.

Alternatively it would be great to have multiple layers in a single list widget, but this idea here seems much easier to implement.