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Issues enabling SSL and accessing with HTTPS

03-12-2014 01:49 PM
Deactivated User
I'm trying to enable SSL on ArcGIS Server 10.1 using the web adapter.  I have followed this article to the letter.

Attempting to access either the admin page or rest services with HTTPS takes me to a page with ArcGIS header that says "Unable to connect to the remote server."

We have several other apps running on this machine and we can access them via HTTPS just fine.  It's been correctly enabled in IIS.

We also have another 10.1 Server installation where we enabled SSL without issue using the previously cited knowledge base article.

Any suggestions would be appreciated, thanks.
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What does the web log say?
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Deactivated User
What does the web log say?

<Msg time="2014-03-12T16:22:36,479" type="SEVERE" code="6584" source="Admin" process="2148" thread="1" methodName="" machine="CIVICPROD01.CIVICINC.LOCAL" user="" elapsed="">
Failed to update the security configuration. Exception Could not connect to server on machine 'CIVICPROD01.CIVICINC.LOCAL'.
ArcGIS Server on that machine may not be running or the machine is not reachable at this time.

The machine and ArcGIS Server have both been running fine for quite some time.

I think somehow the certificate I generated as described in this article is not being used correctly.
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Deactivated User
I want to clarify exactly where I run into issues...

Configure ArcGIS Server to use the SSL certificate
To specify the SSL certificate that ArcGIS Server should use:
1. Log in to the ArcGIS Server Administrator Directory: http://gisserver:6080/arcgis/admin.
2. Navigate to machines > [machine name].
3. Click edit.
4. Enter the name of the SSL certificate that you want to use in the box for Web server SSL Certificate.
5. Click Save Edits to apply your change.
6. On the current page, view the property Web server SSL Certificate to verify that the desired SSL certificate will be used for SSL.

Enable SSL for your site
1. Log in to the ArcGIS Server Administrator Directory at
2. Browse to security > config > update.
3. For the Protocol parameter, choose the HTTP and HTTPS option and click Update. This will automatically restart your ArcGIS Server site.
4. After your site is restarted, verify that you are able to access the URL If you do not get a response from this URL, ArcGIS Server was unable to use the specified SSL certificate. Check your SSL certificate and configure ArcGIS Server to use a new or different SSL certificate.
5. If you are able to access the URL, browse to security > config > update.
6. For the Protocol parameter, choose the HTTPS Only option and click Update. ArcGIS Server is restarted.
7. Once the server restarts, test that you can access the HTTPS URL of ArcGIS Server, for example,

I cannot get past step 4 because after updating the security config I cannot access the admin directory using https in the URL. I get a page that simply says "This page can't be displayed"
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MVP Alum
Does your security certificate reference the fully-qualified name of your machine?  In other words, does it use MACHINENAME.DOMAIN.COM syntax or does it contain only the machine name without the domain information?
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Deactivated User
Does your security certificate reference the fully-qualified name of your machine?  In other words, does it use MACHINENAME.DOMAIN.COM syntax or does it contain only the machine name without the domain information?

In the 'Common Name' field of the generate self signed certificate screen in admin, it says CIVICPROD01.CIVICINC.LOCAL

That is the default value it inserts for me.
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