I am working on a project to create a convex hull polygon for a list of points and then take the convex hull polygon and buffer it all using the ArcGIS Server Geometry service end points.
I can create the convex hull fine, but when I run the buffer I get an error message stating that the operation was attempted on an empty geometry. I am using a Jupyter Notebook and the ArcGIS Api for Python to make the calls. I also attempted to take the polygon geometry and use the rest end point directly but get an error message stating "The operation cannot be performed on a non-simple geometry."
I was able to create a buffer of the vertexes from the convex hull polygon, but that is not what we are looking for.
For a test I wrote the convex hull to a hosted feature service because the documentation uses a query of a feature service to get the geometry. Below is the relevant lines from the notebook.
geom1 = Polygon(boundary_layer.query(where="name='test'").features[0].geometry)
buffer = buffer(geometries =[geom1],
in_sr = {"wkid": 102100},
unit = LengthUnits.FOOT,
out_sr = 102100,
buffer_sr = 102100,
union_results = False,
geodesic = True,
future = False)
Solved! Go to Solution.
I found my answer from an old gis.stackexchange, https://gis.stackexchange.com/questions/361734/why-is-the-arcgis-geometry-buffer-method-failing-on-s....
The trick for me was to use 9003 as the unit rather than the LengthUnits.FOOT from the Esri example...
I found my answer from an old gis.stackexchange, https://gis.stackexchange.com/questions/361734/why-is-the-arcgis-geometry-buffer-method-failing-on-s....
The trick for me was to use 9003 as the unit rather than the LengthUnits.FOOT from the Esri example...