I am having an issue similar to this (original) post, but different enough I wanted to post about it separately.
I have several polygon layers for which I've configured symbology and popups in ArcPro, then pushed online. When I try to review popups for two polygon layers, one shows fine no matter where inside the polygon I click, but the other only shows up when I click the boundary line of the polygon.
The reply by @AndrewRoberts1 at time stamp 10-04-2023 01:06 PM (3rd page), outlines a possible cause and solution, that being that when you upload a polygon from Pro the webmap symbology will say "vector polygon" and changing it to "basic shape" in the webmap will fix this popup problem.
I can confirm that this does work as a fix for me, but in my scenario, both polygon layers I've uploaded from Pro have symbology type of "vector polygon" -- one shows popups by clicking anywhere inside it fine, the other does not until I change to "basic shape" symbology online. The one that works fine is a dashed line with no fill, the one that doesn't is just a solid line with no fill. Any ideas why one works but another does not? Should vector polygon symbology that originates from ArcPro allow popups to work correctly or is this by design?
I'm running ArcPro 3.4 and uploading to Enterprise Portal 11.1. Perhaps my version of Enterprise is contributing?
Any thoughts/suggestions are appreciated.