Hello. I'm trying to upload a CSV file to portal through the "New Item" button by dragging/dropping the file. This is a test CSV file with 3 headers for Name; Latitude; Longitude. I am receiving an error message.
Not sure what I'm missing here. Could be a bug, site permissions, or something else?
For what it's worth, I took your csv and it worked fine for me in both AGOL and our dev portal. So I don't think there is anything wrong with your CSV itself.
A quick search for that error message brought up some other geonet posts that suggested it could be a problem with the Data Store or some sort of connectivity issue. Are your other hosted feature service currently working? Any issues when validating the ArcGIS Data Store through Server Manager or any issues validating your federated server site through Portal?
Yeh the CSV looks fine. the space in the filename made my eye start twitching a bit but I know AGOL should take it without issue.
I'd say it's some connection hiccup. Log out and back in and try again later and it will probably work. Only other possibility is where it's being added from. If Google Drive/Dropbox/One Drive is playing up..
Thanks. I moved the file from my OneDrive to my local drive with the same result. It might be something that @RyanUthoff has mentioned in his post. I'll have to get some time with my Enterprise administrator.
Thanks for your reply. Let me bring up your suggestions to my Enterprise administrator. I don't know how the environment was configured.