probably partly related to BUG-000170293.
Webmap with 5 layers - only one being visible
Experience using the webmap and with a analysis widget (Buffer).
When the Experience load there is a returnCountOnly query on all the layers. When chossing one layer for the Buffer Tool there is a new returnCountOnly query. Why all these queries?
Not a big thing in my sample - but I guess with more maplayers and each of them with many objects this could combined with a high number of simultaneous users it could possibly make the experience feel sluggish for the end user
Hi @Pål_Herman_Sund, we appreciate you sharing a potential bug with the broader Esri Community; however, Esri does not actively track software defects posted here. The official channel for investigating and validating bugs is Esri Technical Support. All customers experiencing a potential software bug should leverage technical support to report and investigate the issue.
By reporting bugs through technical support, Esri can better track the scope and impact of the issue across all our customers and better prioritize it with our product teams. Our teams can also investigate the issue more thoroughly to see if there is a solution, workaround, or patch to get you back up and running as soon as possible.
As a reminder, Esri Community is primarily a self-service support platform where Esri users can ask or answer each other’s questions, share feature requests, and collaborate to solve problems with GIS.
*Note that this is a scripted message prompted when posts allude to a potential product bug.
Sorry @JesseCloutier it was possibly a wrong approach - my idea was to make a reference to 000170293 (which is solved in Enterprise 11.4) and suggest further improvements. I can approach Support with the question - but I had the feeling the Community was the better channel.
One thing which could be nice to get feedback on from the Community is wether or not people experience performance issues, which might be caused by the returnCountOnly queries.
It's not a problem, @Pål_Herman_Sund. Our primary goal is to make sure that Esri users aren't skipping the official reporting process for potential bugs, hoping that Esri Community will serve the same purpose. Seeking relevant peer insights on Esri Community is just fine. All the best!