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Append data to Hosted feature layer

01-14-2025 10:55 AM
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Occasional Contributor

I am trying to use a Python script to update data in a hosted feature layer from a csv file. The new data (csv file) uploads to the Enterprise Portal 10.9.1 as expected. I can truncate the data in the hosted feature layer as well. However, when I try to append the new data to the existing hosted feature layer, I get the following error:

streetNamesData.append(, upload_format="csv", source_info=para1, source_table_name=tableName, update_geometry=False) Exception: Error downloading item from Portal. (Error Code: 500)

Python script is written in ArcGIS Pro 3.0.6 Python environment. Below is my code.



import arcpy
import arcgis
from arcgis.gis import GIS
import os
import datetime as dt

# Variables
portalUrl = "thePortalUrl"
username = "myUserName"                                         # Enterprise Username
password = "myPassword"                                         # Enterprise Password
hostedStreetNamesItemId = "c1fb90623f47457ea0ee26a1256f2228"    # Feature Service Item ID to update

# Local Feature Class name
runOnProd = True

# Environment Variables
arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True

#   Get the current database SDE connection for test or prod
#   based on the runOnProd flag
def getSDEConnection():
    if runOnProd:
        return "prodConnection.sde"
        return "testConnection.sde"

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Create GIS object
    print("Connecting to Enterprise")
    gis = GIS(portalUrl, username, password)
    # Create a filename with a timestamp for uniqueness
    now_ts = str(int(
    tableName = "StreetNameExport_{}".format(now_ts)
    filename = "{}\{}.csv".format(arcpy.env.scratchFolder, tableName)
    csvTitle = "TEMP - {}".format(tableName)

    # Get the street names table in SDE
    sdeStreetNamesTable = "{}\\{}".format(getSDEConnection(), sdeStreetNames)

    # Set the field mappings to only export the STREET_NAME field
    fms = arcpy.FieldMappings()
    fm_streetName = arcpy.FieldMap()

    fm_streetName.addInputField(sdeStreetNamesTable, "STREET_NAME")
    outFm_streetName = fm_streetName.outputField = "STREET_NAME"
    fm_streetName.outputField = outFm_streetName

    # Export the data to a csv file
    arcpy.conversion.ExportTable(sdeStreetNamesTable, filename, "STREETNAME_STATUS = 1", "NOT_USE_ALIAS", fms)
    newStreetsProperties={'title':csvTitle, 'description':'Temp CSV file for updating active street names' , 'tags':'temp'}
    newStreetsItem = gis.content.add(item_properties=newStreetsProperties, data=filename)

    # Get featureService/hostedTable layer to update
    streetNamesLayer = gis.content.get(hostedStreetNamesItemId)
    streetNamesData = streetNamesLayer.tables[0]

    print("Truncating Existing Table") 
    print("Disabling Sync")
    flc = arcgis.features.FeatureLayerCollection(streetNamesLayer.url, gis)
    properties =
    updateDict = {"capabilities": "Query", "syncEnabled": False}
    print("Truncating Feature Service")
    print("Enabling Sync")
    updateDict = {"capabilities": properties, "syncEnabled": True}
    print("Appending features")
    para1 = gis.content.analyze(item=newStreetsItem, file_type="csv")
    streetNamesData.append(, upload_format="csv", source_info=para1, source_table_name=tableName, update_geometry=False) 
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2 Replies
MVP Frequent Contributor
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Occasional Contributor

Thank you!!!  I looked for something like that but didn't see it. Way better way to look at code.

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