Is there a way to interact with ArcGIS Pro while using a Spatial ETL tool created with the Data Interoperability extension? Is there a way to add exports to a map for example? Or use Arcpy or trigger notebooks to run as part of a wider workflow?
Hi Ryan, there are a few ways. You can add a Spatial ETL tool to a ModelBuilder model, in which case you can do things like use the Select Data model tool to work with output data, add it to a map etc. You can also use a FeatureSet input parameter in a model to interact with a map, for example get the JSON representation of the featureset and make it an ETL tool input. Inside ETL tools themselves a shutdown script can call ArcPy, including etc. Spatial ETL tools can also be called with Python - you can get the code by manually running one and using the history entry Copy Python Command - and use it in a Notebook. Don't forget to add code to check out the extension. Don't forget you can schedule ETL tools just like any Pro geoprocessing tool.