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Dashboard List , Parent, Child Merge

09-06-2024 03:42 PM
Regular Contributor

I created a form in Survey123connect. I needed to be able to have a double repeat where inputters could select a Field ; Runs Skied. Because they will ski multiple runs during one trip, I have a repeat for this feature.

Below the selected Runs Skied there is a field to pick which activities were preformed on that lap. It might only be one or it could be multiple, but unless the data is analyzed in Survey it will bunch the entries together so I have the survey set to select one, and a repeat for making multiple selections.

I would like to have a dashboard where I can then display the RUN SKIED and the corresponding ACTIVITIES next to each run. Currently I can display one or the other... And they are difficult if not impossible to associate which activity goes with which run... ideally I would like to have them displayed in a list

Run Skied 1 : Activity, Activity A, Activity B

Run Skier 2 : Activity A, Activity B....

They are showing as tables when I build my Dashboard....


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