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Category Selector doesn't filter when dashboard opens

08-02-2024 01:32 PM
Labels (1)
Occasional Contributor

I have a dashboard with a serial chart controlled by a category selector. I set the selector to default to the first category.

But when the dashboard is first opened, the selector seemingly is inoperative. Instead, the chart reflects the sum of values for ALL categories. That yields very incorrect data (in this case, twice the correct amount.)

If I use the selector to select another category and then go back to the default category, the selector properly filters the data displayed in the chart.

Is there a solution to make a selector filter the data as soon as the dashboard opens?

2 Replies
MVP Regular Contributor

I understand that you can apply a default selection of 'first' or 'last', with the option of sorting the table to control which is first or last.

The ability to add customized default selections is something I've been looking for the past few days and it does not appear to be possible.

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Occasional Contributor

Thanks for the reply @ChristopherCounsell .  My situation seems a little different. I'm fine with setting the default selection as the first category - a_tgf. I gave it a label of "Total Revenue."

The problem comes when someone first opens the dashboard. The selector correctly shows "Total Revenue" as the default selection, but the serial chart incorrectly reflects values for all five categories in the selector (Total Revenue, Personal Income Tax, etc.)

It's like the selector action initially isn't active. If I select a different category and then go back to "Total Revenue," that seems to jostle the selector action and the serial chart displays correctly. But if I refresh the page, the problem re-appears.

Here's a screen grab of my selector configuration:


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