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Search Bar in Header

3 weeks ago
Status: Open
Occasional Contributor

Lately the Dashboards have become more focused on tablet/smartphone friendliness at the expense of desktop intuitiveness.  This is most noticeable with the tools in the map compressed into a single button.  Users who aren't privy to the ArcGIS environment will struggle to find ANY tools navigating the dashboards on their desktop.

Can we have at the very least, the option to move the search bar to the header?

Tags (2)

Our customers have also expressed frustration with the new display for the map tools, because now it requires more clicks to access those tools and an intuition that a button with two arrowheads would even show those tools in the first place. Our customers are worried that their audiences may not be able to use the published Dashboards as effectively.

To add to this idea, could there be a setting to have the tool menu "opened" by default? Not necessarily expanded (width) but opened in the sense of seeing all the buttons for the tools on load. Maybe there would be a limit to this, e.g., if the Dashboard designer enables 5 tools or viewer, then there would be an option to have the menu opened by default, but beyond that limit then that option would be disabled, for the sake of consistency across screen sizes.


The limitation of the search tool visibility is a main concern when customers review the dashboards.  I believe we can add a search widget and develop an experience builder tool but this seems like there should be an option for an independent search tool.